Parillo Competion Winners

First place winner is David Fu, a 7th grader from Delmar attending Bethlehem Middle School and the Juilliard Pre-College. He studies with Dr. Julian Martin. He performed the Mozart Sonata in D Major K311 and Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody 15 Rakoczi March.
Second place winner is Samantha Baker, an 11th grader from Clifton Park attending Emma Willard School. She studies with Michael Clement. She performed the Mozart Fantasie in D Minor and Tchaikovsky Scherzo a la Russe.
CONGRATULATIONS TO DAVID AND SAMANTHA! They will be awarded their certificates and awards at Proctors Theatre at the first concert of our 2022-2023 season in the Fall. In addition, SSSO would be delighted to provide as many performance opportunities as possible to these promising young artists.
In my fifteen years of chairing the concerto competition, one of my greatest joys has been to welcome back former winners to perform with the SSSO at Proctors Theatre. Last month, our 2007 winner Ryan Reilly performed the Rachmaninoff “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini,” as he wraps up his DMA at the Peabody Conservatory. Just today, Aram Kim, 2018 winner of the Stefan Competition (sister competition for orchestral instruments) beautifully performed John Corigliano’s “Chaconne from the Red Violin” with us, in the midst of her busy schedule as a sophomore at the Juilliard School.
We are also proud of the many Parillo alums who have blossomed into successful doctors, engineers and business professionals while maintaining their love of music. Hats off to the students, parents and teachers for their dedication! Thanks also to the volunteers, especially the three judges and faculty coordinator from SUNY Schenectady. For many years, SUNY Schenectady has been our invaluable partner in running the event. We could not do without them, or you.
-Masako Yamada, VP Musicial Operations